For me there is nothing like a rainy day. Since I was a kid I've loved the rain. One day I was sitting at my desk doing homework. (It was a Sunday that day too) The window was open and I just remember feeling God. It was like he was hugging me and since then when it rains it's like God is hugging me. So it's fits perfectly today for me. I need to feel God's hug!
I go back to work tomorrow after being out 3 weeks taking care of Patt. Long story short, back in July his back started hurting again. We thought it was the disk we already knew about. His L3 and L5. Then his legs starting going numb, then his feet. He got to where he couldn't walk, no energy. His doctor didn't get numbing b/c it didn't go with what was going on in the lumbar area so he send him to a neruoligist. He ran so many test, blood work, 3 MRI's, spinal tap....found out later he thought Patt had something called tranverse myletis or MS. Well thank goodness it was neither of them but in the MRI he found between T9 and T11 his disk was cutting off the nerve in the spinal cord and sent him back to his dr with the need surgery. So the following Monday we saw his doctor, a patient had just cancelled for the next day so he already had everything lined out so he had surgery the next day. They went in on his left side, cut 4 places, had to collapse his lung, spread his ribs apart remove his disk and replace it with a cage that had had to fill with bone, and tissue. So now he has to wear a back brace until his dis fuse back together. He HATES that brace but you got to do what you have to do. He'll be out of work for at least another 2 months. Hates having to do nothing pretty much.
I've had to help him do everything but tomorrow I go back to work. I'm dreading it. One reason when I talked to someone she kept saying enjoy your "vacation". I just don't get how I've been on vacation. I've had to do everything, get up during the night just to help Patt go to the bathroom, help him get dressed, shower, you name it but I'm just laying on the couch getting ice cream soaking up the sun I guess. I just believe you're suppose to take care of your husband and since his doctor said he needed help I did it. I had the time so I used it. My place is by my husband even if some don't see it that way. If they had called or visited they would have seen just how bad this back surgery was but oh well. I go back to work just with a different attitude. I have to answer to God for the type of wife I am not people here..... (ok just a little venting there)
Now that I remember my password I'll be back more often. YAY Oh and I don't have time to spell check so please forgive. I can tell Patt is almost done with shower so it's off to be nurse...
Happy New Year
4 days ago